Sex offender being released in Wausau

A convicted sex offender will be released in Wausau after completing his prison sentence on April 14.

George Fischer, 32, will be living in transitional housing near the Marathon County Courthouse. He will also be monitored by the Community Corrections Division.

Fischer was convicted in 2004 for two counts of second degree sexual assault of a child in Marathon County. He will remain on the sexual offender registry for life.

He is a white male, 5'8'', 178 pounds with sandy hair and green eyes.

George Fischer sex offender being released


I wonder how many innocent children's lives he can destroy this go around? Makes me sick to my stomach child molesters get it easier then someone with pot. This joke of a Justus system ruins lives it does everything but protect the innocent.

Its even more disgusting that there protected behind bars you cant even call them a child molester without picking up a charge what ever happend to them getting what they deserve when behind bars

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