Wausau man charged with sex with horse

A Wausau man has been criminally charged after he admittedly had oral sex with a horse.

Jared Kreft, 30, is charged with sexual gratification with an animal sex organ, possession of marijuana, bail jumping and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Deputies were called to a barn on Wednesday, where they found the man near the animal. He was wearing wind pants with holes cut in the groin and buttock areas and he was wearing a face mask.

According to reports, the man told officers that he attempted to arouse the horse with his hand and that he also performed oral sex on the animal. This took place after he had been viewing horse porn.

A jar of petroleum jelly, a glass pipe and a small amount of marijuana was found when his residence was searched.

He is being held with a $2,000 cash bond.

Jared Kreft mugshot


Why are we so shocked this is happening in Wisonconsin? Legalize cannabis and bestiality!

Willllbbbeerr : )

WHAT ? I was just horsing around : )

What an a-- hat! How'd the cops get a tip on this anyway? Sounds like if he wants a big stiffie, he should get a Louisville Slugger rammed up his netherparts. What good can this freak do for society as a whole. We'll be supporting his animal molesting arse for the next umpteen years. Just aint right.

DOES EVERYBODY KNOW... that all charges were dropped due to no evidence? Cuz they were. The allegations were false! So everybody, put on your big boy/girl pants, & get a fckn life. This could be your picture!

Perhaps WI BUZZ "KEEPIN IT REAL" should actually keep it real & do right by this guy, who's name they slandered, & post another article explaining how all charges were dropped due to lack of evidence & the fact that the allegations were NOT true. #KeepinItReal#

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